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The Wizard Wolf (WindWard Triad Book 1) Page 9

  “I feel like that’s the oldest cliché in history,” Kell grumbled.

  Johnny chuckled, pulling Kell closer to him. “Probably because the Children and humanity aren’t all that different. People like to stick to what they know, where they feel the safest, the most secure. Some might suffer under those traditions but even when a great many people suffer under them, people will stand by them all the same, because it’s what they know.”

  “I know that. But I’m not going to stand in line and let them use me and hurt you, just because their traditions tell them that’s how things should be. I don’t care how things ‘should’ be according to some rules that were made forever ago, so far back people have forgotten why they even existed in the first place,” Kell ranted.

  It was, almost word for word, the sort of thing Johnny had said in the past. It was interesting to watch Kell transform from a strong but reserved man who was content to watch and follow, into the hotheaded, strong-willed man he was becoming as he fumed over injustice. There were many layers to Kell and Johnny was still trying to sort through them when he had the chance.

  Kell sensed Johnny wasn’t paying complete attention to him, turning his dark eyes on Johnny in scrutiny. Johnny pulled Kell close, pressing their bodies together and enjoying the warmth he could feel coming off the smaller man. Kell blinked, recovering to wrap his arms around Johnny’s waist and hold tight.

  “Traditions change, they always do, even if it takes longer than some would like. Maybe this is the time to do just that,” Kell whispered against Johnny’s chest.

  It was another thing that Johnny had thought before as well. For all the adherence to the old laws, there were still plenty of people who balked at the constraints. Johnny had known others who hadn’t been happy with the way things were run with the Children. There were many, like himself, who were torn between two worlds and unable to make peace with their inner struggle to choose. Those who didn’t regenerate their ability to access their other half after The Choosing were left feeling bereft. Having been cut off from half of who they were, those Children were always searching for something they could never find again. Some were like him and Ash, those who’d made their choice, knowing that someone they cared for dearly was on the other side of the battlefield.

  There was a tremendous amount of tension and stress on both sides of the war. Both sides fought, as that was what they were meant to do. Yet from within, both Pack and Coven contended with disputes over how and why, though those who held the mantle of control kept the steady war going over generations, even when it became difficult to maintain. Even with the dissent in the ranks, so long as those in charge still held the power, the status quo would continue.

  “Maybe there’ll be a change but we can’t expect it to happen in our lifetime,” Johnny said sadly.

  Kell nodded. “I know, but can’t you lie to me?”

  Johnny chuckled. “Very well. I can promise you that it absolutely will change before we pass on. The world of the Children will shift dramatically, acceptance for one another will grow to be the expected norm, and the Vigil will become less of a threat as we unite under a single banner.”

  “Earth shaking and ground breaking. I like it,” Kell laughed.

  Johnny gazed down at the other man, and he remembered the words of the sages and oracles in his younger years. Their promises were the sole reason Johnny had continued to visit America often. He’d been told that in those foreign lands, he would find love, and great change would come. The change hadn’t been specific, save for the tone of grandiosity which had been held to. The world might very well be changed by the destiny Johnny was seeking, even as he wanted only love.

  Could Kell possibly be the one they had spoken of?

  Cocking his head, Kell’s smile faltered. “You okay?”

  “Other than the looming danger hanging over our heads? I’m marvelous,” Johnny teased.

  Kell turned to glare at the window. “What the hell is taking them so long? We could have written a book in the time it’s taken them to come in here.”

  A raised voice came in answer from outside, the tone furious and determined. Another voice followed it, female from the sounds of it, more controlled, but no less angry. In the silence of their conversation, Johnny could hear the rumble of other voices.

  Johnny rolled his eyes. “When I said the two groups could work together, I didn’t say it was a smooth process. Sadly, even when they do work as one, they’re not really one. There’s going to be a lot of argument over who comes in and how many get to come. If they’re not already bickering over who gets what piece of the pie, I’d be shocked.”

  “There’s something really twisted about them already trying to claim rights on us before they even have us in their hands,” Kell grumbled.

  Johnny’s thoughts were locked on the prophecies about the love he was meant to find. Despite having only known Kell for a short time, he found he wished the prophecies might have been speaking of him. In the hours they’d been together, Kell had proven to be smart, resourceful, and tough. He was everything Johnny needed in his life, and the softness Kell showed when no one else was looking was a wonderful addition to an already fantastic man. Johnny could very easily see himself spending his life with Kell based on what he’d seen. Perhaps the future might show otherwise, but Johnny had a suspicion it wouldn’t.

  Yet, the choice which had made him lose Ash was the same one which would keep him from ever having Kell. They could be friends, they could be lovers, but they would never be more than that. Having chosen his wolf over his witch, Johnny would never fully be comfortable with Kell as a partner for life. The wolf inside of him needed another wolf, an omega to his alpha, in order to satiate the desire for a mate.

  “Well, I’m glad I’m here with you while we wait. I would’ve lost my mind if I were going through this on my own,” Kell murmured, pressing tight against Johnny once again.

  He couldn’t explain to Kell why they were so limited in their options for one another. That they were both attracted to one another was obvious. Johnny had wanted Kell from nearly the beginning and it hadn’t taken long for him to see the same desire in Kell. Maybe they could have something, but it would never be enough, not for him, nor for Kell.

  The best thing he could do for Kell was to be his friend and not go any further. Kell had been raised by human thinking and human morals. Even if he intellectually understood what Johnny told him, he’d probably never accept it. Johnny treasured the trust Kell gave him and he didn’t want to wound the man if he could avoid it. So long as he kept the line drawn, and never let them cross it, he could have Kell in his life, and perhaps that might just be enough.

  Kell tensed, turning his head upward so he could see Johnny’s face clearly. “What was that?”

  Johnny blinked. “What was what?”

  “You just thought something, something…definite,” Kell told him, speaking slowly as if checking every word carefully.

  “I see your telepathy is making a comeback,” Johnny muttered.

  “It wasn’t a clear thought, I just felt something happen. It was like you made up your mind about something,” Kell explained.

  “We’re facing down a meeting with the two factions of the Children of the Moon. There’s a lot of decisions I have to inevitably make, so I’m a little distracted,” Johnny said, hoping Kell accepted the explanation.

  From the doubtful expression on Kell’s face, Johnny didn’t think he did. Despite his teasing, Johnny hadn’t been kidding when he said they were working with limited time. While the Coven and the Pack would certainly take their time arguing over how things were going to be done, it wouldn’t give them enough time for Johnny to explain everything Kell wanted to know.

  Most of all, he didn’t have time to explain the difference between biology and passion. If they made it out alive and Kell wanted to discuss it, Johnny would gladly sit down. He’d spend the time it took to have Kell understand that while there was passion, sometimes nature just
didn’t allow for it. Johnny’s alpha wolf needed an omega, and even the great Windward wouldn’t cut it.

  “I’m thinking there might be some good which can come from this,” Johnny said, hoping to lure Kell away from what he’d been thinking.

  Kell raised a brow. “And what’s that?”

  “Well, the witches will definitely be able to tell us if you are, in fact, the Windward. So far, we’ve been working off my running theory and the fact that your abilities seem to match. I don’t, however, possess the rituals or extensive knowledge to determine it for a fact,” Johnny said.

  Kell nodded. “Doesn’t change the fact that if you are right and they do say I am, they’ll want to use me to their own ends. I’ve been really happy not being under someone else’s jurisdiction for the past four years you know.”

  “Four? Good Lord, how old are you?” Johnny asked.

  Kell laughed. “I’m twenty-two.”

  “Oh,” was all Johnny had to say.

  Kell squinted. “Why, are you older than that or something?”

  “Well, I’m twenty-seven, but I thought you were a bit older than twenty-two,” Johnny said, a little flummoxed.

  Kell shook his head. “You act like that five-year gap between us really makes a difference.”

  “It always makes a difference, but I think you’ve done enough maturing since you were thrown into a government system that age probably doesn’t count much for you,” Johnny mused.

  “Quit talking like you’d be robbing the cradle or something, sheesh,” Kell said in exasperation.

  “And who said a word about anything of the sort? I was simply surprised you’re as young as you are. There was no ulterior meaning,” Johnny told him.

  Kell cocked his head, pressing his hips closer to Johnny. “And what if I wanted there to be an ulterior motive?”

  For a moment, Johnny forgot all about his promise to stay just friends with Kell. The younger man’s eyes seemed to glow with desire as he gazed up at Johnny. Worse yet, the scent that threatened to drive Johnny past the point of self-control when they weren’t pressed against one another was growing stronger. Strong emotions tended to make another’s personal scent even stronger and lust was no different.

  “You do realize our lives are in danger, right?” Johnny asked weakly.

  Kell shrugged. “I think that makes this a perfect time.”

  “Your logic is hard to debate,” Johnny teased.

  “This might be the last time we have a chance to be together like this. With the Children outside debating our fate, I don’t know what’s going to happen. You’ve been the best thing to happen to me in a long time, and I don’t want to waste what little time we have worrying over what they’re doing. I don’t want to spend it regretting that I’m not taking the chance that I’ve wanted to take since the first moment we were alone,” Kell whispered.

  Johnny’s heart thundered and he swallowed hard. “From the very beginning?”

  Kell nodded. “Let’s have just a little bit of enjoyment before the whole world comes crashing through the door on us.”

  Johnny watched as Kell reached up to cup his face gently. His fingers were warm against Johnny’s cheeks and they stroked in slow, patient motions. Time seemed to stop as the two of them gazed into one another’s eyes. The warmth in Kell’s gaze seemed to expand and Johnny’s previous decision melted away under the heat of it. Kell wanted him, wanted something from him in that moment, and Johnny couldn’t find the strength of will to tell him no.

  Kell stood up on the tips of his toes, pulling Johnny’s face down toward him. Their lips moved toward one another in a smooth motion. When they pressed together, Johnny felt his entire body surge with new strength and need. Kell’s lips were warm and soft, gently coaxing more passion and desire from Johnny than his last few partners combined could have hoped to have obtained.

  Johnny pulled Kell close, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of his jacket and shirt. Kell’s back was smooth and Johnny ran his fingers over the skin, feeling the muscles shift and move under his fingertips. Kell shivered, arching his back to press his lips more firmly against Johnny’s and his back against his touch.

  Kell’s exotic scent, both foreign and oddly familiar to Johnny, grew more potent. The taste of Kell on his lips, the smell of him filling his nostrils, and the warmth of his body were intoxicating. Kell could have asked Johnny to take him on the spot and he would have done it in a heartbeat.

  A soft moan came from Kell, vibrating over Johnny’s lips. The sound dipped down into Johnny’s core and spread through him with a blast of desire. He’d forgotten all about the world outside and the Children who waited to come in. In that one moment, there was only Kell.

  Another shout echoed through the air but Johnny ignored it as his grip tightened on Kell. As Kell’s body went pliant in his hold, Johnny knew there would be another kiss after this one. Having known what Kell felt like in his arms, to feel his lips against his, there was no way Johnny would ever be able to turn his back on it again. Any promise he might have made before meant nothing in the face of reality.

  The next shout pulled them apart with a startled grunt, as it was met with another, then a scream from outside. Johnny winced as another blaze of light filled the room from outside, pulling Kell with him on instinct.

  “Holy shit, that’s fire. Are they attacking us?” Kell demanded in shock.

  Johnny listened intently to the sounds outside. The shouts and screams grew louder, and the crackle of fire with it. Chaos reigned, and among it, he could hear the Pack howling and snarling, and feel the tingling of magic being thrown without regard.

  Hurrying to the window, Johnny smeared his hand across the dirty pane. Men, women, and wolves were thrown into pitched battle with one another. The magic he felt manifested in brilliant sparks and flashes over the clearing, and he could see the shapes of wolves as they leapt. After a moment, he caught the distinctive flash of silver from the crowd and watched as fire poured from an object held in a combatant’s hand.

  They weren’t under attack, but the Coven and Pack were.

  Chapter 7


  Kell jumped as the dining room window shattered, raining shards of glass on the dirty hardwood floor. The noise outside increased and smoke poured into the room as the fire spread. Whatever was happening outside, the fire was the normal, everyday sort and not the magical flames Johnny had used to protect them.

  “Are they fighting among themselves?” Kell asked in horror.

  Johnny shook his head, his upper lip curling. “No, it’s the Vigil.”

  Kell straightened. “Those nutjobs who attacked me?”

  “If by nutjobs you mean fanatics, then yes. Seems they must have somehow known about this gathering and decided to pay us a visit. Knowing there would be powerful members of the Coven and Pack here, they saw an opportunity. That, or they really just didn’t want the possibility of a Windward falling into enemy hands. Hard to tell with them,” Johnny said, a cool distaste in his voice.

  “All this fighting over me,” Kell said, eyes wide.

  “It’s not just you, though you seem to be the focus this time. The Coven and Pack don’t even know why they’re fighting anymore, just that that’s what they’re supposed to do. The Vigil wants both sides wiped out and are hated in return. It’s a damned mess, obviously,” Johnny told him with a gesture to the madness outside.

  Johnny had been plain when he’d said there was a war going on in the world, and as Kell watched, he realized there was a large difference between the idea and the reality. His stomach turned as he watched one of the combatants fly through the air to crumple onto the grass in a bloody heap. The fallen man stirred feebly, pulling at the ground as he tried to escape the approaching fire.

  “This is insane,” Kell said, barely audible.

  “This is our world, Kell,” Johnny said, voice soft and sad.

  Kell flinched back as another gout of flames sped out from the crowd. They were trapped
behind a wall of death and flame. Either they would have to dive out into the mess, risking life and limb, or hide in the house and hope it died down enough for them to pass by. Either option made Kell’s head spin with fear as he watched another person drop in a bloody heap.

  Kell’s voice shook as he spoke. “What do we do?”

  Johnny shook his head. “There’s only one thing we can do, get the hell out of here. We won’t be able to help them, no matter what we do. If we get out of here, maybe they’ll eventually realize we’re gone and stop trying to kill one another.”

  “But you don’t believe that, do you?” Kell asked.

  “No, I don’t, but there’s a chance. I’ve been operating on chance for most of my life and hope is all I have sometimes. So let’s try to get out of here on a wing and a prayer, and see where it takes us,” Johnny said.

  Kell could feel his heart thundering in his chest as he asked. “Can…would you turning into a werewolf help?”

  Johnny bit his lip. “I don’t think so. Even werewolves aren’t made to be ridden like horses, and in wolf form, I’d be easier to track.”

  “Why?” Kell asked, jerking at another gout of flames in the middle of the fray.

  “Stronger scent—it’s an animal thing. I’ll carry you. I’m strong enough for that,” Johnny said.

  “I’m with you, just lead the way,” Kell promised.

  Johnny reached out and took Kell’s hand. Kell only just had time to grab hold of it before he was lifted off his feet and thrown over Johnny’s shoulder. Kell gave a squawk of surprise and held onto whatever part of Johnny he could reach that would stabilize him. Johnny’s arm was wrapped around his middle, and once Kell was secure, he hurried to the door.

  The sound of the battle grew the moment the door was opened, but worse for Kell was the smell. Burned hair and flesh mingled with blood, forcing Kell’s throat to tighten as he tried not to be sick. Johnny didn’t seem to notice it, or if he did, he hid it well. After a moment of hesitation, Johnny hurried down the stretch of porch at the front of the house, leaping off it and over the spreading flames.